
Ochivaye Dreams 11­­ – Dream of Living Overseas of a Malaysian 夢想專訪11 – 馬來西亞男生的旅活夢

After leaving home for half a year, it was the first time for me to travel with someone for such a long time, half a month’s time. I found this Malaysia Chinese guy was very calm, humble and patient. I never ever saw him impatient or angry, and I was so keen to know more about him.

Daraz was 28 years old this year. To him dream is something very big, like serving the society or contributing to the world. He didn’t really have anything big dream so dream is something very far away from him. Goal, however, is more realistic, everyone has a goal in different stages of their life, one goal appears after another. For him, he only wants to do things he likes, so he is achieving his goals now and let things become valuable.

Daraz said he didn’t have much thoughts before going to University. He used to have a very stable life, just going to schools and taking exams, never thought of doing anything great. His mom was from Taiwan, so he went there a few times before and liked it there. In Malaysia it was very common to attend University there as Taiwan was considered one of the cheapest place with good schools and good food. Daraz also thought he would go to University there too.

Daraz never thought he would ever study in Mainland China. He applied because his classmates applied only. He submitted three choices and the third choice Zhejiang University accepted him. He never heard of the University before, however, his parents checked with their friends from Mainland and found out that Zhejiang University was a good school, and Daraz ended up accepting that offer.

Daraz said he didn’t know anything about Mainland China and thought China was like a poor rural country. He didn’t even have hopes on anything. There were 8 Malaysians going to Zhejiang University that year and they took the flight together. A school van came to pick them up at the airport. Daraz saw the houses along the way and felt they looked fine. When reaching the school he saw the newly built hostel he was so happy because there were concrete floors and they were the first batch living there. Then Daraz started his happy University life in China with Biotechlogy major and started to forget Taiwan.

Daraz used to live in Malaysia and was well taken care of. However, living alone overseas by himself in the University, he needed to take care of everything himself. He also found out more about himself, what he liked and disliked. He met a lot of people and joined different activities, and realized the world had so much. During the first summer holiday, Daraz went traveling with his schoolmates and found out it was so much fun and full of excitements to travel. He kept on traveling during those years once he got the time.

Daraz started liking Tribal patterns too, like Islamic style with geometrical shapes with triangles, rectangles and circles designs in the mosques and carpets. One day he wish to start his own brand and specify in designing bedsheets, sandals, slippers and socks. He won’t think much on the marketing even though it may close down anytime, what he likes is more important.

Daraz said he is a very lazy person. Worklife is such a tiring thing to do while studying is so relaxing, he prefers to study than work. He planned to take up a master degree during his Year 4, but thought his Biotech degree was not his cup of tea anymore. He realized he had very poor memory and didn’t like to stay in the lab all the time. That’s why he deferred his study from 4 years to 5 years. Instead, he developed interests in drawing and photography, arts and design, movies, or something with people likes psychology. He applied 3 Master degrees in 3 different Universities and got accepted by all 3. At the end he decided to choose one which offered the most scholarships. He went to Shanghai Jiaotong University for his master degree for 2.5 years and majored in Interaction Design.

Studying and living in China allowed Daraz to become more independent. In 2010 he got to volunteer at the Malaysian Booth in the World Expo for half a year, and knew more about different parts of the world. He liked the Turkey booth very much and decided one day he would go there too.

After master graduation Daraz wanted continue to live and work overseas, and he worked freelance for half a year in Shanghai on webpage design. However, he felt sick as he only slept 3 hours everyday, and was admitted to the hospital for 1 month. Doctor recommended him to go home and rest and stopped working. He went back to Malaysia but then he found a job in India, and flew there after Chinese New Year and started his new life in a new country last year.

Daraz was holding an Entry Visa for his job in India, and needed to go through immigration every half a year. After the first half year, he took one month no-paid leave in order to travel. At the end the time was not enough so he decided to give up his job and started full time traveling. This year Daraz went home for Chinese New Year and came back to India again but with a tourist visa which required him to go through immigration every 30 days. As a result he went to Nepal 3 times and Sri Lanka once in the past 1 year.

Daraz finished his big trip in mid-Aug because he has used up all his savings. He would stay home rest for a while and may look for a new job or any other opportunity to work overseas. He wants to work and live in the developing countries like Central Asia, Pakistan, and Turkey. He likes to combine traveling and living in a totally new place for half a year to a year, so that he could shop around, talks to the locals, learns their languages, and cooks the local dishes. His mom once told him, everyone is responsible for his own life.

I was with Daraz for half a month and realized he was a very optimistic and open-minded person. He didn’t mind giving his handphone or camera to some newly known people to see his pictures. For me, those are very private and valuable items. Daraz said he likes to take the neutral and peaceful way because he doesn’t like quarreling or complaining. Just let it be, there is really no need to hurt anyone or get angry, because one may do something regretful afterwards. He realized this since his primary school time already.

Daraz shared his favorite quote with me, “People should not wait for the thunderstorm to pass away, but to learn how to dance in a thunderstorm. The most important thing in traveling isn’t the scenery, but own attitude.”

Daraz gave me a bracelet made from brown beads. He got it from an old woman in Kanyakumari, the southern tip of India. She had a very simple look, and was selling combs and hairpins near the shore. Her English wasn’t very good but was trying to tell Daraz her business was not good. She insisted to put on the bracelet on Daraz, but he thought if she asked for money he would just return it to her. At the end she didn’t ask for anything and just walked away, and later on even came back with a tea for him. Daraz felt bad what he thought about her because she was the only person he met in India without asking for money, which is really a rare thing in India. The bracelet really connected him and her. Daraz wish the next dream achiever who receives this bracelet can give his own meaning to the bracelet.

24 August 2014
Written in Dubai home

來到喀休米爾,我借宿在一個回教家庭裏,住宿主人家裏空房間很多,過了幾天他們又接待了一個馬來西亞的華人男生。好久沒有遇到華人背包客了,第一天晚上大家有的沒的聊到興高采烈的,大馬男生在印度工作了大半年,然後在印度旅遊了差不多一年,他旅程剩下最後三星期就要回國了,最後的日子他也沒有甚麼大計劃要到那裏要幹甚麼的,因為他的旅費都快要用完了,我在印度同樣只剩下大半個月的時間,既然大家的旅遊方式都是隨心而行,於是我們決定要一起結伴同遊。” – 轉載自「桃花園記











Daraz在印度工作持有的是Entry Visa,必須每半年出入境一次。當他工作了半年,本來打算拿取一個月無薪假去旅行,最後卻發覺時間不夠,最終決定放棄工作,正式開展全職旅行。今年農曆年回家過節後他又再次回到印度,今次轉換了旅遊簽證,需要每三十天出境一次,結果在過去一年間他到過三次尼泊爾和一次斯里蘭卡。





