主動溝通 -- 從第一刻踏入沙發主人家開始,請坦誠溝通,若果真的剛剛長途跋涉又髒又累,可主動告知對方自己想先沖涼先小休一會,對方不會不理解的
好管閒事 -- 梳洗過後,休息過後,不要只把自己關在房間裏,只顧自己上網做自己事情,記著那不是旅館是別人的家,主動到處看看家裏人都在忙甚麼,有甚麼事情可以一起做的,了解沙發主人的起居作息
文化交流一 -- 把自己國家的技能獻技,把沙發主人的名字翻譯成中文名,可以的話帶上毛筆墨水紅紙把對方名字當作揮春寫
文化交流二 -- 教對方講中文,最簡單的問候語你好嗎,我很好、謝謝、我愛你、帥哥美女都可以
文化交流三 -- 帶上幾雙筷子教沙發主人用筷子,和小孩子來個夾東西比賽,自己就用左手吧
文化交流四 -- 示範摺紙藝術,最簡單的飛機氣球百合花會郁動的青蛙紙鶴都超級受歡迎
文化交流五 -- 世界各地都有中餐館沒有人不喜歡中餐的,給沙發主人煮一頓正宗中餐吧,容易找到材料又易煮的有可樂雞、炒土豆絲,港式甜品有木瓜糖水、番薯糖水、芒果布甸
文化交流六 -- 把自己背包的東西都拿出來跟沙發主人分享一下,也許沙發主人很少出國,然後會對自己背包每一樣東西都感到很好奇,原來背包客是需要很少東西就能生存的
文化交流七 -- 沙發主人接待外國客人就想增長自己的見識,跟對方分享自己旅途中的相片和旅行時的小故事吧
10. 送小禮物 -- 可以的話準備一些富有自己國家民族特式的小禮品送給沙發主人吧
11. 分擔開支 -- 說到底,沙發主人家的燈油火蠟柴米油鹽也要開支的,有機會一起外出的話幫忙付點雜費,其中一次的超市帳單,甚至汽車加油也可以,否則只有自己外出的話歸家時順便買些水果吧
12. 不要把自己當客人,請把自己當成一家人 -- 借宿客人只是一個名字,沙發主人沒有責任侍候自己,在自己家中也有義務分擔家務、掃地洗碗吧,在借宿家庭也一樣,可以幫手做公家的最好,否則把自己的基本責任個人衛生做好,把浴室清理乾淨,自己的碗筷自己收拾自己洗
Watlab Lake, J&K, India - Aug 2014 |
借宿 讓我的旅程看見不一樣的風景
在瑞士的雪山小鎮我住進了一間二百年歷史的小木屋,還從沙發主人身上知道了Adventure Tourism這樣東西,也因此決定了要走Adventure Education 的路
沙發主人妹妹才二十三歲,明年即將舉行婚禮了,她說這是一段Love Marriage不是Arranged Marriage (父母安排的),未婚夫是她以前的中學同學,她偷偷跟我說去年她跟家人提出她打算下嫁這位男同學時父親生氣不已,還和她的兩位哥哥一起對她拳打腳踢結果她在醫院住了四天,她希望早點離開她的原生家庭因為她未婚夫的家庭思想較開通她相信婚後的生活會過得比現在好
Aharbal Waterfall, J&K, India - Aug 2014 |
選擇自己要旅遊的地區後,請先把沙發主人結果篩選和過濾 -- 想要男生女生還是很多人的自己決定吧,年紀比姐少十年以上的也未免太年輕了姐溝通不了,成熟穩重甚至退了休的姐卻沒有所謂,但最重要一定要附有相片的,都甚麼年代了怎麼可能一張數碼相片也沒有,相睇也要先看相片吧,何況現在是借宿啊
然後把借宿主人結果按「最近上線」排列 -- 姐才不要浪費時間在那些開了帳戶卻十年不上線的人身上
在清單上的結果先來個速看,零留言的可以不理,照片合眼緣的可以先在另一視窗開啟 -- 於是姐會開了十個八個視窗之後再慢慢細看內容
請仔細閱讀審視每一位沙發主人的所有資料 (自我介紹,沙發內容,客人留言,相片) -- 人家寫明喜歡喝酒抽煙去派對姐就是不喜歡姐寧願花錢住旅館好了
-- 姐就試過好幾次為了買個安心而另外給那些客人發訊息詢問當時具體程況
疑點一 -- 單身男子自己一個人住,在客人選項卻選取「寧願要女生」,這是不是有點可疑呢?姐要的是文化交流不是異性交流啊
疑點二 -- 客人選項明明選取「歡迎兩性」,但朋友圈子和客人留言卻通通只有女生,男背包客都跑到那裏去了
疑點三 -- 帳戶開了好幾年,回覆率卻超級低,代表人家給他發借宿請求卻選擇性回覆,非常不禮貌
介紹自己旅程的篇幅copy & paste其實也沒有所謂,但「為甚麼要選這位借宿主人」請用心逐篇逐篇填寫,說說和對方有共同興趣也好,讚讚對方的照片拍得很美也好,讓對方感覺到自己的誠意和真心想認識對方的
-- 姐的帳戶就放了十多二十張不同類型不同活動不同國家的相片了
Ochivaye Dreams 11 – Dream of Living Overseas of a Malaysian 夢想專訪11 – 馬來西亞男生的旅活夢
After leaving home for half a year, it was
the first time for me to travel with someone for such a long time, half a
month’s time. I found this Malaysia Chinese guy was very calm, humble and patient.
I never ever saw him impatient or angry, and I was so keen to know more about
Daraz was 28 years old this year. To him
dream is something very big, like serving the society or contributing to the
world. He didn’t really have anything big dream so dream is something very far
away from him. Goal, however, is more realistic, everyone has a goal in
different stages of their life, one goal appears after another. For him, he
only wants to do things he likes, so he is achieving his goals now and let
things become valuable.
Daraz said he didn’t have much thoughts
before going to University. He used to have a very stable life, just going to
schools and taking exams, never thought of doing anything great. His mom was
from Taiwan, so he went there a few times before and liked it there. In
Malaysia it was very common to attend University there as Taiwan was considered
one of the cheapest place with good schools and good food. Daraz also thought
he would go to University there too.
Daraz never thought he would ever study in
Mainland China. He applied because his classmates applied only. He submitted
three choices and the third choice Zhejiang University accepted him. He never
heard of the University before, however, his parents checked with their friends
from Mainland and found out that Zhejiang University was a good school, and
Daraz ended up accepting that offer.
Daraz said he didn’t know anything about
Mainland China and thought China was like a poor rural country. He didn’t even
have hopes on anything. There were 8 Malaysians going to Zhejiang University that
year and they took the flight together. A school van came to pick them up at
the airport. Daraz saw the houses along the way and felt they looked fine. When
reaching the school he saw the newly built hostel he was so happy because there
were concrete floors and they were the first batch living there. Then Daraz
started his happy University life in China with Biotechlogy major and started
to forget Taiwan.
Daraz used to live in Malaysia and was well
taken care of. However, living alone overseas by himself in the University, he
needed to take care of everything himself. He also found out more about
himself, what he liked and disliked. He met a lot of people and joined
different activities, and realized the world had so much. During the first
summer holiday, Daraz went traveling with his schoolmates and found out it was
so much fun and full of excitements to travel. He kept on traveling during
those years once he got the time.
Daraz started liking Tribal patterns too,
like Islamic style with geometrical shapes with triangles, rectangles and
circles designs in the mosques and carpets. One day he wish to start his own
brand and specify in designing bedsheets, sandals, slippers and socks. He won’t
think much on the marketing even though it may close down anytime, what he
likes is more important.
Daraz said he is a very lazy person.
Worklife is such a tiring thing to do while studying is so relaxing, he prefers
to study than work. He planned to take up a master degree during his Year 4,
but thought his Biotech degree was not his cup of tea anymore. He realized he
had very poor memory and didn’t like to stay in the lab all the time. That’s
why he deferred his study from 4 years to 5 years. Instead, he developed
interests in drawing and photography, arts and design, movies, or something
with people likes psychology. He applied 3 Master degrees in 3 different
Universities and got accepted by all 3. At the end he decided to choose one
which offered the most scholarships. He went to Shanghai Jiaotong University
for his master degree for 2.5 years and majored in Interaction Design.
Studying and living in China allowed Daraz
to become more independent. In 2010 he got to volunteer at the Malaysian Booth
in the World Expo for half a year, and knew more about different parts of the
world. He liked the Turkey booth very much and decided one day he would go
there too.
After master graduation Daraz wanted
continue to live and work overseas, and he worked freelance for half a year in
Shanghai on webpage design. However, he felt sick as he only slept 3 hours
everyday, and was admitted to the hospital for 1 month. Doctor recommended him
to go home and rest and stopped working. He went back to Malaysia but then he
found a job in India, and flew there after Chinese New Year and started his new
life in a new country last year.
Daraz was holding an Entry Visa for his job
in India, and needed to go through immigration every half a year. After the
first half year, he took one month no-paid leave in order to travel. At the end
the time was not enough so he decided to give up his job and started full time
traveling. This year Daraz went home for Chinese New Year and came back to
India again but with a tourist visa which required him to go through
immigration every 30 days. As a result he went to Nepal 3 times and Sri Lanka
once in the past 1 year.
Daraz finished his big trip in mid-Aug
because he has used up all his savings. He would stay home rest for a while and
may look for a new job or any other opportunity to work overseas. He wants to work
and live in the developing countries like Central Asia, Pakistan, and Turkey.
He likes to combine traveling and living in a totally new place for half a year
to a year, so that he could shop around, talks to the locals, learns their
languages, and cooks the local dishes. His mom once told him, everyone is
responsible for his own life.
I was with Daraz for half a month and
realized he was a very optimistic and open-minded person. He didn’t mind giving
his handphone or camera to some newly known people to see his pictures. For me,
those are very private and valuable items. Daraz said he likes to take the
neutral and peaceful way because he doesn’t like quarreling or complaining. Just
let it be, there is really no need to hurt anyone or get angry, because one may
do something regretful afterwards. He realized this since his primary school
time already.
Daraz shared his favorite quote with me,
“People should not wait for the thunderstorm to pass away, but to learn how to
dance in a thunderstorm. The most important thing in traveling isn’t the
scenery, but own attitude.”
Daraz gave me a bracelet made from brown
beads. He got it from an old woman in Kanyakumari, the southern tip of India.
She had a very simple look, and was selling combs and hairpins near the shore.
Her English wasn’t very good but was trying to tell Daraz her business was not
good. She insisted to put on the bracelet on Daraz, but he thought if she asked
for money he would just return it to her. At the end she didn’t ask for
anything and just walked away, and later on even came back with a tea for him.
Daraz felt bad what he thought about her because she was the only person he met
in India without asking for money, which is really a rare thing in India. The
bracelet really connected him and her. Daraz wish the next dream achiever who
receives this bracelet can give his own meaning to the bracelet.
24 August 2014
Written in Dubai home
“來到喀休米爾,我借宿在一個回教家庭裏,住宿主人家裏空房間很多,過了幾天他們又接待了一個馬來西亞的華人男生。好久沒有遇到華人背包客了,第一天晚上大家有的沒的聊到興高采烈的,大馬男生在印度工作了大半年,然後在印度旅遊了差不多一年,他旅程剩下最後三星期就要回國了,最後的日子他也沒有甚麼大計劃要到那裏要幹甚麼的,因為他的旅費都快要用完了,我在印度同樣只剩下大半個月的時間,既然大家的旅遊方式都是隨心而行,於是我們決定要一起結伴同遊。” – 轉載自「桃花園記」
Daraz在印度工作持有的是Entry Visa,必須每半年出入境一次。當他工作了半年,本來打算拿取一個月無薪假去旅行,最後卻發覺時間不夠,最終決定放棄工作,正式開展全職旅行。今年農曆年回家過節後他又再次回到印度,今次轉換了旅遊簽證,需要每三十天出境一次,結果在過去一年間他到過三次尼泊爾和一次斯里蘭卡。
Ochivaye Dreams 10 – Dream of Empower One Billion Youth Campaign of an Indian 夢想專訪10 – 印度男生的一千萬青年充權夢
I met Abhishek during my volunteer stay
at Sadhana Forest, Auroville back in April 2014. I only met him for a few days
as Indian had an option not to stay for the minimum requirement of 2 weeks.
However, he was a very mature person although he was only 20 years old. He knew
how to interact with people proactively, how to introduce two unknown people to
each other in a very positively way, and he always appreciated good things the
other people did. One coincidence about us was he grew up in a country where I
worked as a Cabin Crew. I got his contact hoping to get to know him better if I
had the chance to see him again. Finally, when I headed to Bombay, he was able
to host me and I gotta know him more, but still, I was so shocked when I found
out this young gentleman had already published 2 books.
the Only Goal in Life
Abhishek is an Indian but was born and brought
up in Bahrain. He went to Bombay with his family a few times before to visit his
relatives during the summer holidays, but he didn’t really see the city before.
When he was young he did quite well in
school as he could manage his exams easily, at that time he felt life was all about
doing well in exams. However, in Grade 7-9 he
not cope as much and his grades started going down, and got worst in Grade 10. He
stopped enjoying school, he took subjects his friends were taking but he didn’t
like them at all. He also noticed even he was good at things other than
studying nobody acknowledged.
After the first semester of grade 10,
Abhishek realized he wanted to improve from failing, there should be more in
life than just standing first in class. He decided to interview students around
him who did rather well, regarding their study schedule, how they prepared for
their exams, what they did in the classrooms, how they learnt at home, and what
other activities they got involved. He spent 1-2 months on that and ended up
interviewing 50-60 people and found a common answer, they all fell in love with
the learning. At the same time, these people didn’t just focus on studying,
they would do so many different things at the same time. They didn’t study
because standing first meaning getting a good job, it was because they enjoyed
learning and studying.
With his findings from the interviews,
Abhishek decided to go on the experiment himself during his Grade 11-12 period.
He started to fall in love with his subjects, at the same time he also attended
different seminars and spoke to the speakers afterwards on how to do better. He
got inspired and decided to do more for himself. Abhishek’s grades started
improving and he got very good grade in the final exams in Grade 12. However,
he thought he would feel happy and satisfied with those good marks, but at the
end he only felt empty and nothing special. It became the turning point of his
Share, What Himself Went Through
Abhishek thought whatever he learnt from
his experience he must also share with other students. He tried to conduct some
sharing seminars in Bahrain. He organized everything himself, including making
the presentation, finding venues and promotions. He contacted the local
newspaper and used the event function on FB page as a free event. At the end he
conducted 3-4 seminars and around 50-60 students attended. At the time Abhishek
was only 17 years old.
In 2012, Abhishek decided to go to
university in Bombay to study Journalism because in Bahrain there weren’t a lot
of courses to choose from. Bombay was a vibrant city, a totally different
environment from Bahrain which was a laid back and relaxing place. He had 2-3
months to spare before his college started. He started reading and explored the
streets and met people. He became more open-up and realized there were more in
life than just do what needed to be done. He spent 1-2 months writing his
manuscript for his first book and tried to approach publisher for his book. He
went to different offices, 23 publishers said no, finally the 24th
one said yes after 1.5months’ effort. In Jan 2013 his first book “Academic
Excellence” on doing well in school and falling in love with the learning was
published during his first year of college.
is the Mother of Success
Abhishek decided to conduct seminars and
talks in Bombay too. He approached the schools and colleges both directly or
indirectly, physically or through emails, explaining his seminar and it was
free of charge. However, he was always challenged what he would know because of
his young age, he was only 18 years old. He approached almost 600 schools and finally
one said yes. Abhishek conducted his first seminar in Bombay and at the end the
teachers were happy, and the teachers referred him to another school, and then
another school, and so on,
In March 2013, Abhishek started a
campaign called “Empower One Billion - Youth Empowerment Movement”, he combined
and consolidated his knowledge and experience to encourage young people to work
on things they were passionate about. Over the last years he held 120 events in
more than 10 cities and reached 20000 students. It was not just a talk, but
like a conversation. Abhishek said if somebody did that for him when he was in
school before, he would be so different.
While doing his sessions, Abhishek
thought of putting the information into another manuscript which became his
second book, “101 Habits to Greatness – Small Steps to Everyday Change”,
focusing on developing life skills and good habits. This time he chose to
publish it himself, involved more hard work but also more freedom. He wanted it
available everywhere and even had the E-book version. At the end he published
it in Bahrain because he knew a lot of printers and editors there, he even had
a book lounge at the bookstore in May 2013.
Dreams, if not Now, When?
Abhishek decided to take a gap year break
from college, a chance for him to do something he really wanted to do, to think
about why he was doing what he was doing, and what he wanted to do in life. He
was interested in learning and education and he started reading on this topic
of different communities in the world. He started traveling to different parts
of India to attend seminars, conferences, book lounge, and even Oscar movies on
all kinds of topics, investment, finances, environments, arts, literature,
safety, he always spoke to the organizers to find out more. He was fascinated
what he found out because there were so much in the world.
Abhishek also decided to pack and go
around India in one big trip. He started in Bombay and went around India
anticlockwise. He had beautiful experience along the way, he spend time
volunteering, he was stuck in angry crowd in Rajasthan, he did a 6 km hike to
see all the ghats, the staircases leading to the rivers, of Varanasi, he
explored libraries and museums in Delhi, he talked to families, villagers along
the way, he also conducted seminars in Students Camps. His travel ended on May
Now he is busy finding University again.
He wanted to change his major because he realized he is more interested in arts
and literature, education and psychology. He wanted to give more to students.
He believed that every student is special, unique and meant for greatness, and
must be given the chance to fall in love with learning and to explore different
lives around them, not just live according to others people expectation when he
was in that stage few years ago only.
is Living your Dreams
Abhishek shared some successful tips
with me from his findings,
1. Crazy
passion – do something you love
2. Super
structure – make a list of things from the 100 people who are good at that
field in the world
3. 10,000
hours rule – indepth study and learn what the people did in their journeys
Abhishek also had very good thoughts on
pursuing dreams,
“If you like doing something, just put
in effort nobody can stop it. Don’t let the dream dies within you, there is
never a right time because you are the oldest today in your life, you could never
become younger again.”
“Try combining dreams and passions,
contribute to society so that the dreams are also adding values to other people
life and people will then want to support you.”
Abhishek shared with me his favorite
quotes too, the first one from a Canadian Robin Sharma, “When you were born,
you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the
world cries and you rejoice.”
The second one from an American Charlie Jones,
“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people
you meet and the books you read.”
Exchange, continuing
Abhishek gave me the 10 stones he
collected during his big trip in India as present for exchange. He picked up
those stones only when he had significantly life changing experience in the
particular places.
Stones from
1. Bombay
– he wanted to keep something from his hometown, he picked it while coming back
from the train station.
2. Goa
– He felt happy and free as it was his first time having a big trip, and got
the stone from a beach near the ocean
3. Kanyakumari
– He was standing at the southmost tip of India
4. Sadhana
Forest, Auroville – He went beyond himself and lived with others though doing
services, he got the stone from Marina Beach, Chennai
5. 30
hrs train journey from Chennai to Kolkata – he had a lot of thoughts and he
spoke to many people on the train ride which was transformative
6. Kolkata
– he got the stone in a bank of a river to remind this beautiful city
7. Guwahati,
NW region of India – he and his friends drove around the region and had a very
nice road trip, he got the stone from a cave
8. Varanasi
– he had a 6km long walk in a day in order to see all the ghats (staircases)
along the Holy River Ganga
9. Chail,
Himachal Pradesh – it was a beautiful hill station and he went inside a flowing
river and picked up the stone
Jaipur – it was a literature
festival and he spoke to so many people
Abhishek hoped the stones could remind
the next person never be afraid to live the life you wanna live, even it looks
stupid. Love yourself who you truly are, because you are beautiful beyond
22 Aug 2014
written in Dubai home
讀書 就是人生的全部
Abhishek 是在中東巴林出生和長大的印度人,讀書時候每隔兩年暑假他都會跟隨家人回孟買探親,卻從來沒有好好逛過這個城市。
有了這些發現, Abhishek決定在自己身上測驗一下,餘下的十一和十二年級他學會愛上他的科目,同時他也出席不同類型的講座,也和講者交流希望讓自己變得更好。他受到很多啟發決定要為自己做更多,Abhishek的成績開始進步,最後十二年級的終期試更名列前茅。不過,原先他以為自己會因為成績好而雀躍喜悅,最後他卻沒有甚麼特別感覺和只有空虛感,那成為了他人生的轉捩點。
分享 自己所經歷的
然後, Abhishek決定要到孟買升大學主修傳理系,因為巴林的大學沒有很多科目可以選擇,孟買是一個充滿動感的大城市,相對於巴林卻是一個節奏緩慢和輕鬆的地方。由於還有兩三個月時間才開課,他開始看書和到街上發掘和結識不同的人,他變得越來越外向,發現人生除了家庭學校的基本要求外原來還有很多不同的東西。他用了一個多月的時間創作了他的第一本書和找出版社,可是找了二十三間全部都拒絕了他,直至第二十四間終於答應,那是經過了一個半月後的成果,於是他第一本書 “Academic Excellence”出版了,那是關於怎樣在學校做得更好和愛上學習的著作,那時Abhishek才是大學一年級生。
失敗 乃成功之母
Abhishek決定在孟買嘗試舉行學習講座和分享會,他直接地間接地,親身或電郵聯絡了孟買不同的學校,向他們介紹自己的免費學習分享講座,但是,常常得到的回覆都是他只有十八歲,他懂得甚麼。聯絡了接近六百間學校之後, Abhishek終於找到了第一間答應給他機會的學校並舉行了第一場學習分享會,最後那些老師都很滿意,然後,老師把他介紹到另一間學校,再另一間學校。
Abhishek又想到了把新的想法寫成第二本書, “101 Habits to Greatness – Small Steps to Everyday Change”,內容集中在發展生命技能和養成良好習慣,這次他決定自資出版,雖然工序繁複但自由度更大,他希望能夠在不同地方發行,甚至有網上版本。最後因為認識巴林那邊的印刷商和編輯,於是他先在巴林出版書籍和舉行新書發佈會。
夢想 任何時候都可以啟航
成功 就是活出自己的夢想
關於追夢, Abhishek也有很棒的想法:
禮物 繼續延續
孟買- 代表他的家鄉,從火車站回家途中撿的
Goa – 他的第一次長途旅行而感到興奮,於是在大海旁邊沙灘撿的
Kanyakumari – 那是全印度最南端的地方
曙光村環保森林 – 能夠跟不同國籍的義工一起生活和做服務,後來在清奈的Marina
從清奈到加爾各答三十小時火車旅程- 有機會好好思考和跟火車上不同背景的人聊天
加爾各答 – 這是一座美麗的城市的河畔撿的
– 他和友人一起自駕遊,在一個山洞內撿的
恒河 – 為了看畢所有通往恒河的渡口,他共走了六公里路
Himachal Pradesh – 那是一個美麗的山城,他走到一條河流中撿的
Jaipur – 他出席了一個文學節活動,遇到很多不同的人和得到啟發
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