
Ochivaye Dreams 8 – Dream of Retiring at 35 of a Sri Lankan 夢想專訪8 – 斯里蘭卡男生的35歲退休夢

Suresh was my very last couchsurfing host in Sri Lanka. At first I didn’t plan to stay with him as I could only stay for one night. Normally I preferred to stay for 2 as it gave me more time to interact with my host. However, some hiccups popped up, and I was glad I stayed with Suresh and gotta know him even though we only hang out for a few hours altogether. He needed to work night shift till midnight, but still he got up at 7am and did the interview with me.

Suresh told me he planned to “retire” at the age of 35. He was 28, so 7 more years to go. It sounded like an idealistic retirement plan for most people and I was so interested to know his plan in details.

Suresh explained, he planned to take a career break and go traveling at 35. At the moment he only does short trips. If he were to have early retirement, he needed to have his means sorted, so that he could have a proper traveling. After that, he could stay somewhere in Sri Lanka where he can live a healthy organic lifestyle with clean air and water, a calm place with waterfalls, thick forest, and no mobile coverage, not disturbed by anyone. He hates fast forward culture and working late. He likes the nature, hearing the birds and waterfall flowing.

What he needs to do before he could start his big trip in 35, first he needs to make sure he saves enough. At the moment he does small travels, not to expensive places though. In order to travel properly, he needs to work on and have proper earning. He has 2 thoughts at the moment, one is he can start putting up a business on his own. He will do what he knows and he feels he is capable of doing it. He spent the past 6 years working in outsourcing and trading and he has learnt lots of tricks. He could apply his knowledge in other industries. If he starts his business before 30, he will have 5 years to establish and hand over the business to somebody so that he could go on for his trip while having constant income at the same time. Another thought is continue working in the same company till 35, then he can get a very good gratuity, but after that he will have no income source.

Suresh shared there were 3 big stages in his life which affected his belief so much and made him who he is now. He started working right after college and didn’t have any gap year. His first job was a stock broker, it was an intense job and he lived a busy life. The tsunami came in 2004, he didn’t know how bad it was when he watched the news. He took on volunteering job and when he got there all he saw were ruins and dead bodies everywhere. It was a traumatic experience for him. It taught him an important lesson of what life is, no matters what we do or how much we earn, we never know when it is time to leave. Then he changed to an Event Management job which was a lot easier and his work life was not so intense.

The second stage was his mom passed away. He quitted his job again and changed to his current job when he can work nighttime, while his brother worked morning shift, so that there was always somebody at home to look after his dad.

The third stage was when Suresh started traveling alone. He went to India and Thailand. He didn’t have proper ways to see things, he just ventured. Then he started hosting and slowly found out how he wanna travel. He realized he could just live a life off his backpack.

For his big journey, he wanna travel to the Eastern part of the world, like Cambodia, Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, etc because the West is too expensive. It will also depend how much the trip will cost, he needs to budget. He has done many
short trips in India and will finish off the rest when he starts his trip. To him, India is like a half read book. India is the first closest land to Sri Lanka, and is a big country and a world on its own. There he could meet people from countries where he never heard of. It is a good place to start his big trip and good way to learn how to travel.

Sri Lanka is a small country and he has spent his life traveled around and have seen almost all of it. His passion is burning inside he really wanna get out and see new things. He felt he is stuck in a small island and he wanna fly out. He likes to travel to the destinations by trains or buses more than planes. The moments experienced along the way are more important than the destinations. He likes to meet people and see more things, he prefers to travel day time because if he were to travel at night he could only sleep. For buses, there are only one or two people sitting next to him, trains, however, he can move around and connect with people and relax and write and do whatever he wants. He likes to travel to places with untouched nature and without phone coverage. He enjoys getting lost, and finds his way back more than taking a map along.

He hosts people through couchsurfing to remind himself not to settle down in a 8-5 job life because a lot of people are traveling which inspire him not to let the fire burn down. He just needs to have a proper plan. Through hosting travelers he could see the world through other people’s eyes. He has learnt many things even without being there. Sri Lanka is such a small island, but through travelers’ eyes, he could look at the same things in a totally different way. Sometimes when he is free he would travel with his surfers as well. So far he has hosted 25 different nationalities, to him it was like a world class buffet. Travelers all have different experience, some just started, some were used to couchsurfing, some were new in backpacking, they would just sit down and learn about each other’s culture and exchange different views. To him it was also like an educational process, to prepare himself for his dream, a training period to get ready for his big trip.

Suresh preferred to do solo travel because he can learn himself within, how tolerant, respectful, or arrogant he is. People has different thoughts, cultural or political views, if he is being confronted, then he will know how he adapt, accept or react. It is a learning process for him to discover himself. He would’t know all these until he is put under different environments where people dunno him. People will react, question, tell, explain and will make him think right or wrong. Friends always sugar-coated the speech as they do not wanna hurt him and would not put the facts out.

Suresh said he won’t use time to define how long his trip will be, may be till he feels like getting home, or when he gets sick of hostels, train travels, seeing things, always packing unpacking, saying hi bye to people.

Suresh shared his favorite quote with me, “All is well, that ends well.” from Shakespeare, meaning everything is good when it ends good. He needs to hold on at the moment to buy bullets.

Interviewing Suresh was really an inspiring experience to me. He was such a knowledgeable guy and had lots of interesting thoughts. We also shared similar thoughts towards traveling too. He told me being religious is not the same as being spiritual, which was something I never thought of. Although he was born a Hindu, he didn’t want to tag himself with a label because he believes he can get good things from every other religions. It all depends how one interprets the messages and lives by the morals.

Suresh gave me a multipurpose knife as the present in exchange. It was his first knife and had been with him for 5-6 years and went to 3 different countries with him. It traveled with him and always helped him out in emergency situations during hiking or camping. Once it was lost in a trekking journey and he decided to walk another 2 hours and went all the way back to look for it. It was a good memory for celebration after hardship as he always used it to open cans. It also has a simple theory how life should be, with so many different tools inside just like so many people in so many different ways. He hope the knife can help the next person and taped his love power, and will mean something as well.

Written in a CS farm house in Mysore, India

夢想專訪8 – 斯里蘭卡男生的35歲退休夢



辭官 歸隱



生命 無常
Suresh說他的生命中有三個很重要的階段成就了今天的他。他大學畢業就立即工作,沒有gap year這回事,第一份工作是當股票經紀,那是一份很繁忙的工作。2004年的海嘯,他從電視上得知情況惡劣得很,於是跑去報名當義工,但當抵達現場卻看見到處頹垣敗瓦和死傷慘重,那次悲痛的經驗讓他學會了生命的無常,就算做甚麼工作或有多少收入,永遠不知道甚麼時候自己要離開。於是,他轉工了,換了一份沒有那麼緊張的活動管理工作。


世界 是一本百科全書




旅行 是為了成長


Suresh跟我分享了他最愛的座佑銘,「一切都好只要結果是好的」(All is well, that ends well),出自莎士比亞的著作。意思是只要結局是好的,過程中發生甚麼都是好事。所以現在他要好好堅持,好好儲備彈藥。


