
Ochivaye Dreams 1 - Indian Mama’s Writing Dream 夢想專訪 1 - 印度媽媽的創作夢

 Indian Mama’s Writing Dream

First stop of India, I headed to the house located at the suburban area of the city, belonged to Indian Mama. Through Couchsurfing website, I managed to find Indian Mama’s daughter’s profile, who is now doing her studies in Germany. Her daughter just registered in Couchsurfing for a few months, wishing it may bring travelers to her India home to meet her lovely parents. I, then became their first surfer.

Indian Mama’s real name is Rosemary, 56 years old lady with 2 sons and 1 daughter, is a poet and author, used to study English Literature and Journalism.

Indian Mama grew up in Kottayam, a hilly area at the north side of Kerala state of India, where rubber was grown everywhere. She has 6 brothers and 2 sisters. All 9 siblings spent their childhood together and had very good relationship. They would take shower in the rain, swam in the river. Everywhere were trees, flowers, cows, goats. Life was wonderful and everyone loves nature. Their parents would sing for them, shared fairytales and stories. Her dad would talk about the geography of the world, making Indian Mama started dreaming traveling in the world. However, her dad passed away when she was 16, her mom raised them up.

Indian Mama’s best friend’s husband tried to match her up with his good friend. The guy was working for Air France and stationed at Doha, Qatar. He wrote and read very well, and wrote a lot of love letters to Indian Mama. He even promised to take her to travel around and see the world. However, they belonged to different Christian groups, mother of Indian Mama was an open-minded and liberal person, still objected the marriage with practical and frank reasons. However, Indian Mama decided to follow her heart, marrying the guy who promised to take her to see the world. She was only 23 when they got married.

After getting married, Indian Mama thought she could finally pursue her traveling dream. However, her husband decided staying at a foreign country wasn’t what he wanted to do anymore, and decided to continue living in India. Indian Mama’s traveling dream was broken, and felt so disappointed.

Indian Mama found her life filled with wonderful time again when her children were born, but she started feeling lonely again when her children started going to school. At the age of 31, she wrote her first poem, expressing all her loneliness, sorrows, and sadness from her soul. The poems became very popular because they touched so many readers’ hearts. Indian Mama finally published 4 books of poetries. She also published 5 books of memorials, telling stories of her childhood lives in the villages.

Indian Mama also did translation. She translated fairy tales, bible stories from English to her mother tongue Malayalam, so that more children could read them. She also translated Russian poems into Malayalam. The Russian Cultural Centre even granted her an award with her enthusiastic hard work in this area. 

Other than writing, Indian Mama had another dream. She wanted to be a film director. When she was little, she always watched a lot of films because her uncle owned a theatre. However, being a film director is a tough job, as it involves many other things, people, money, technology overrides imagination. Unlike writing, all she needs is paper and pen, she is on her own, no need to involve other people. If the writings are not good, there is no consequence to anyone. When directing films, everyone in the team needs to face the consequence if the films are not good. However, Indian Mama believes in reincarnation, she will be a film director in her next life.

In the past two years, Indian Mama started facing hiccups in her writings. She suddenly lost her magic and charm. Her mind was blocked. Just like all activities stopped in winter. Through writing, she felt connected with people, just like writing letters to her close friends. Her writings were like a bridge, connecting her with her readers. But now, all she felt was sad and silent. However, Indian Mama believes, when spring comes, the strong sun will melt the snow. She will wait for the moment to come.

Now Indian Mama’s children have all grown up, are all studying and working overseas. They all invited Indian Mama to travel to their places, they will settle the fees. Indian Mama thought, may be this year is the time to start her traveling, beginning in India, going with her cousin or traveling alone doesn’t matter, what matters is to travel, and to see the world.     

May be, God has all his plans. Wishing Indian Mama all the best in pursuing her dreams.

P.S. Indian Mama gave a North Indian style necklace she bought in a travel fair as the exchange gift.

4/3/2014 written in a guesthouse of Kollam, Kerala

Description of picture:
Will I ever be like Indian Mama, have all my writings published into books one day?

夢想專訪1 - 印度媽媽的創作夢




童年生活 無憂無慮
印度媽媽小時候住在南印Kerala 北面的小山區村落Kottayam,那裏盛產橡膠。她有六個兄弟和兩個姐妹。他們九兄弟姐妹小時候一起在農村玩耍,關係很要好,他們會一起在雨中洗澡,在河中游泳,四周都是花草樹木和牛羊,生活多姿多采,他們都很喜愛大自然。父母會給他們唱歌,給他們說故事,父親會給他們講解世界地圖,印度媽媽也開始對世界產生好奇,希望能去外國旅行看看這個世界。不過,她爸爸在她16歲時已過身了,是她媽媽一手養大他們的。

嫁雞 隨雞




除了寫作,印度媽媽原來還有另一個夢想,就是當導演。小時候她的叔叔開戲院,所以她常常去看免費電影。不過,當導演可是一份困難的工作,要兼顧很多東西,牽涉其他人、金錢,還不像寫作那樣可以天馬行空,因為需要考慮到科技的配合。寫作可不一樣,只需紙和筆,不需要理會其他人,是自己的事情,就算作品不好,沒有甚麼後果會發生。但當導演的話,作品不好會令合作團隊一起面對後果。不過, 印度媽媽相信輪迴,她下一輩子會去當個導演的。

生命 滿希望
近兩年,印度媽媽的詩詞作品遇到了難題,遇到了停頓位,她失去了那股創作的魔法,頭腦變得有點閉塞,就像冬天來到,所有活動都停止了。透過創作詩詞,她能夠感覺到與人的聯繫, 就像給好朋友寫信一樣,詩詞就像一條橋,把她和她的讀者連繫起來。可是現在,她只感覺到悲傷和寂靜。不過,印度媽媽相信,當春日的太陽再次出現,冰雪就會溶解,她,會耐心等待那個時刻的來臨。




