
Ochivaye Dreams 2 - Journey to the Spirituality of a Germen girl 夢想專訪2 - 德國女生的靈性之旅

During the 10 days Vipassana Meditation Camp, my roommate was a girl from Germany. There was a Noble Silence rule that nobody could talk or had any eye contact, we were both living in our own world in the first nine days. Not until the noble silence was over on Day 10, we then realized we were like a long lost friend to each other, how close were our thoughts, how close were our feelings.

Christina came from Germany, 33 years old this year. At the age of 16 she realized she wanted to be a physiotherapist, to treat people with their pain and body problems. When she finally entered this industry, she thought may be she could add different techniques in it, such as massage, yoga, Ayurveda, etc., to help people search for calm, peace and happiness.

Started from a very young age, when she was still living in Germany, she wanted to travel to different places. She wanted to see how people live in little materialistic world and less comfort lives in very poor and simple countries.

In the recent years, she became less attracted to the luxurious life. She wanted to live in a more basic life, in simpler circumstances, to experience different culture, and to find more spirituality.

Three years ago, she went to Nepal, a very poor country, for one year. She had her first Vipassana course in Nepal. She felt she changed after her completion of the course, and decided to do it longer time, in Nepal and India.

2 years ago, Christina found a job offer of physiotherapist in a clinic in Delhi. However, Delhi is such a busy, polluted, and crowded place, she could not find her calmness. It was very exhausting to work long hours. However, she knew deep in her heart, she was there for a reason. She would take half a year off to travel in India afterwards, to search for the calm she needed.

November last year, Christina started her journey. She went for a Sivananda Yoga teacher training, and she attended the Vipassana course again, to develop her inner growth. She knew deep in her heart, she doesn’t want sightseeing, shopping, or be a tourist, she spent 2.5 months to learn yoga philosophy in an ashram, and attended 2 more Vipassana courses to learn and serve other meditators. She considered herself lucky to have all these experiences.

Now she knew she would spend more than 6 months time, to do more yoga, serve more, learn more, meditate more, to establish herself. Her goal is to live with yoga and Vipassana, choosing them as her way of living. Later on she could use them to give to people in some way. However, she also needed to learn to let go, worries, society expectations on her, why she wasn’t earning money, not getting married, having kids, find a good job, live a secured life. She needed to purify herself, live in a simple and free life. She wish to live with same minded people. She knew it will be a whole life time job, to see what’s inside of her.

She wants to settle somewhere, give to people. She avoids going to too many places, or try too many things. She has been trying things and looking for the right ones in the past 10 years. She has now found yoga and meditation. She wants to be professional in them. They are good and suit her. They are her big gifts already. 

She is grateful for the opportunity. She believes there is always learning from each other, they are all gifts.

In India many people do not have the chance, may be because of poverty, or family commitments. She believes in Karma, may be she didn’t do it in her last life, may be she worked hard and earned this. She is happy, and grateful to have this chance and is free to pursue that.

Regarding her purpose of traveling, many people go to see the outside world. They visit places, take photos, but they are all impermanent. Real travel doesn’t matter where to go, see what things. It is more important to feel inside. Real travel, real sightseeing is inside of oneself, and to give. She likes nature, good environment to think about and has good liberation.

The more she travels, the less move she has, and will settle in one point at the end. It really doesn’t matter which countries. She is thankful to have a wonderful life and thank to the universe.

There is an old saying said by a Guru, if you end up in India now, must be life take you to that spot, because they need you there.

When I listened to Christina’s sharing, I felt so touched and so connected to every sentence she said. She came from Germany, I came from Hong Kong, and we met in India. It was such a close feeling to meet a long lost friend. We both like nature, hope to use our own power to make the world a better place. We do not want to live in society’s expectation, live the same lives everybody else does. We both have a travel logbook, to write and to draw our memory in the journey.

Christina gave me a card she bought in her journey as the gift in exchange. There is a painting of Ganesha on the card.

She wrote some words for the next person pursuing dreams, and they are also words for me:

Dear sister or brother,

Always remember to live your dreams, listen to your heart and the voice deep inside of you. You can never be wrong. May Ganesha remove all the obstacles to live your life to the fullest! May you be happy and share all your love!

Your sister from Germany

Ganesha has 2 meanings:

He is son of Shiva in Hinduism. He lost his human head, has an eleghant head, which means he is very pure because he has no ego. He would do for others, for the world and for the people with his heart.

Second meaning is to remove all obstacles, and doubts. He gives good protection, opens the way, let people head towards light and enlightenment, has a strength to go on, face and do, and grow inside.

Train journey from Cheriyanad to Kollam

夢想專訪2 - 德國治療師的靈性之旅夢














最後,Christina 把一張在旅途中購買的禮物卡送給我做交換禮物,上面有印度教象頭神(Ganish)的畫像。她在禮物卡上寫了一段說話送給我,也送給下一位追夢者:






寫於南印Kerala, CheriyanadKollam的火車旅途上